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Strike Gold at the Gold Rush Raffle!
We will send home a book of raffle tickets. Sell them and send back the stubs and money.
HOW? Clearly mark the envelope: ATTENTION RAFFLE
WHEN? By Wednesday, September 27th
NEED MORE? buy them HERE.
*Raffle Tickets are $5 for one ticket / $20 for five
The drawing will be held on the day of the Western Round-Up! You do not need to be present to win. You or your friends might just win one of the items that have been generously donated by Fiske families and friends!
Ways to Volunteer
Sign up to sell raffle tickets in our community the weekend of September 23rd HERE
Donate a raffle prize (sports tickets, memorabilia, etc)
Or.... Sell loads and loads of raffle tickets!
Contact the Committee with Questions:
Kristin Ellis
Mary Ann Fanning
Robin Knowlton